Tea contains the following ingredients and is recognized for its health
- Tannins and catechins
- Anti-carcinogenic effect
- antioxidant effect
- Antibacterial action
- Blood cholesterol lowering effect
- Antihypertensive effect
- C Vitamins
- Inhibition of melanin pigment formation
- Oxidation control
- Reinfocement of Resistance
- B vitamins
- Carbohydrate metabolism support
- Promotion of digestive juice secretion
- Mucosal protection
- Flavonol
- Bad breath prevention
- Strengthening of blood vessel wall
- Fluorine
- Caries prevention
- Other various ingredients(Caffeine, γ-aminobutyric acid, etc.)
Research results have been published that show that fibers contained in tea have the effect of
promoting the release of dioxin from the body.